Seaweed Identity - it's more than a name
When you buy milled sea vegetable powder, flakes, or granules, or a seaweed supplement capsule, how can you be sure you're getting what you paid for? This post describes how seaweed identity is verified and why you can trust Maine Coast Sea Vegetables to get it right.

Are Sea Vegetables and Seaweed the Same Thing?
It can be confusing when reading about foods like dulse, Irish moss, or kelp because sometimes they are referred to as seaweed and other times, they are described as sea vegetables. So, which one is correct? Are they sea vegetables or are they seaweeds? Here at Maine Coast Sea Vegetables, we are guilty of using the words interchangeably, possibly adding to the confusion.

Is Seaweed a Vegetable?
Many people don't know where seaweed belongs in the food categories, and wonder if seaweed is a vegetable.
The short answer is yes… maybe… probably.

Irish Moss vs. Sea Moss vs. Irish Sea Moss; Are They The Same Thing?
In this post we take a tour through the Irish moss landscape to highlight some of the important differences and similarities between the various seaweeds called irish moss and sea moss