Our Home

The employee entrance and summer time eating area behind our facility.
We’ve had several homes throughout our over 50-year history, beginning with a farmhouse kitchen, then an old barn, and from there to a larger (but still rather old) processing building, before finally moving to our modern new processing plant in 2015. Our new home is the culmination of several years dreaming and planning by everyone working for (and now owning) Maine Coast Sea Vegetables. Large open rooms, natural woodwork, cathedral ceilings, and plenty of windows and skylights for natural lighting make it a welcoming and enjoyable work environment. The facility is smoke-free and the only scents allowed are the aroma of dried seaweed and the delicious odor of kelp krunch on bake days. The entire facility is certified organic by OCIA, and the spacious warehouse lets us store each years’ harvest in an orderly fashion.

The production team weighing and sealing laver retail bags for an order.
The plant is located in Hancock Maine, just 13 miles from where we started in Franklin and less than 30 miles from Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park. This part of coastal Maine is known as the gateway to downeast Maine, famous for its lobsters, blueberrys, beauty, and as a popular destination for tourists "from away”. Eagles, deer, turkey, bears, and other wildlife are common sights, and on clear nights the stars shine undimmed by city lights. As one travels downeast from here (which is actually north and east) it only becomes wilder and more remote…the perfect environment for foraging (& growing) the world’s best sea vegetables! If you’ve never visited Maine, perhaps it’s time you did. While you’re here you can check out the education & retail space located in our new home (it's best to call ahead)!