Laver (Porphyra umbilicalis), also known as Wild Atlantic Nori, is a nutritious red sea vegetable related to Asian Pacific Nori. It has a long history in the UK and Japan as a food and is still celebrated today for its flavor and nutritional value. This sea vegetable is commonly used in Wales to make laverbread, a spread or paste that is believed to help prevent goiters.
Laver is an excellent source of B vitamins and essential minerals such as iron, magnesium, manganese, iodine, and zinc. It contains more protein than other sea vegetables, and because the protein is balanced with every essential amino acid and thus considered high-quality, laver makes a great addition to vegetarian dishes. To enhance its delicious, sweet, and nutty flavor, it is best to lightly roast laver in a skillet or low oven until slightly green. It can then be crumbled and sprinkled onto soups, salads, pasta, potatoes, or any dish that would benefit from having a subtle, salty sea taste. Laver adds flavor and nutrition to any meal!