Irish Moss vs. Sea Moss vs. Irish Sea Moss; Are They The Same Thing?
In this post we take a tour through the Irish moss landscape to highlight some of the important differences and similarities between the various seaweeds called irish moss and sea moss

Is Seaweed Good For The Brain?
Besides being good for the body sea vegetables are also good for the brain!

This Old Kelp… How Old is Too Old? Can Seaweed Expire?
When considering shelf life, it’s important to know that dried seaweed is non-perishable if it’s properly dried and then stored in an airtight container away from heat or sunlight.

There’s Carrageenan in My Seaweed! Is This a Bad Thing?
Lots of folks eat seaweed daily without knowing it, or at least a form of it. This is because carrageenan extracted from seaweed is an ingredient in so many processed foods.

Bromine, Bromide, Bromate; Does it Matter If It’s in Seaweed?
Customers sometimes ask about the bromine (or bromide) found in seaweed. Maybe they know that since bromine is the seventh most abundant mineral in seawater, all seafood, including sea vegetables, contains some form of it. Scientists know of over 1,690 naturally occurring organobromine compounds in marine plants and animals. One group of these, known as bromophenols, help give shrimp and other seafood its “ocean flavor”.

A Sea of Plastic: Is Plastic On My Seaweed?
Is there a danger that sea vegetables contain or are coated by microplastics? Does Maine Coast Sea Vegetables test for this type of contamination? How many microplastics are in the Gulf of Maine, anyways?

Where's The Dulse!? An Explanation of Seaweed Shortages and Order Limits
Dulse (Palmaria palmata) has been prized by Maine Coast Sea Vegetable customers since we first offered it in the early 1980’s. Although some say dulse is an acquired taste, once acquired it’s with enthusiasm!